5 Time management hacks: Get more done in less time

As an entrepreneur your to-do list is always a mile long. Below I’ll share some strategies I use to get more done in less time.

  1. Before bed, set aside a few minutes to plan out the top three tasks you’d like to complete the following day. By doing so you’ll wake up knowing exactly what needs to get done and can get started immediately. There is no need to waste any of your best decision-making time on trivial tasks or start the day in a state of overwhelm. Start the day fresh and ready to dive right into the to-do list. (If you can’t tell, I’m a complete task master 😉 ).
  2. Time block. This can be a lot harder than it sounds. When I first started, I was struggling to not check email or answer the phone, especially when I knew it was a client. Once I saw how little time it actually took for me to complete tasks, I was sold!
  3. Work at your most productive time of the day. I don’t hear many people talk about this, but it’s been a game changer in my life. During a time when my business was scaling at a faster rate than I could keep up with, there was a short period where I was working 15 hour days. It was during this time I realized how much I loved waking up early and completing my work in a few hours so I had open day time hours to meet or call clients, develop new business ideas or meet a friend for lunch. My golden hour to wake up is 3 a.m. I’m sure you’re wondering what time I go to bed to get up at that insane hour… yes, there is a point in the evening when I turn into a pumpkin.
  4. Check it off the list! As digital as life has become, I am obsessed with the dopamine fix I get from highlighting a newly completed task on my list. Do whatever is the best equivalent for you, but definitely treat yourself to a little chemical boost!
  5. Rinse and repeat. It takes a little time to develop a new habit, but once you’ve committed for 21 days, you’ll be out of will power mode and straight into autopilot. Enjoy!

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